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Our food culture

Noto peninsula runs parallel with the mainland while extruded out to the Sea of Japan. Because of the geographical situation, Noto actively exchanged many things with other regions via the ocean. In the past, the side facing the Sea of Japan was viewed as the ‘front face’ of Japan – thanks to active trading activities, owners of Kitamae ships based in Noto made a fortune by doing ship freight work. Noto’s port of call was therefore flourishing. Cultural exchange was active – exchanges of food culture were also prevalent. The culture to appreciate the produce provided from mother nature can also be felt through Noto’s festivals that springs back from the past. People of Noto region tends to be gentle and kind, perhaps due to the prosperous lifestyle the region’s environment offered over long periods. People of this region also tend to be reserved and prefer to continue the status quo. Therefore, people of this region have not been making strong efforts to spread Noto’s food culture to the rest of the country. “Oretachino NOTO” aims to change this by proactively promoting the appeal of Noto’s produce as well as its food culture.